Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 6, 2021

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 Earlier, Durbin had tweeted out the significance of Garland’s appearance before his committee, noting his snub five years earlier: The one person in the room who directly addressed the events of 2016 was Senator Charles Grassley, the ranking minority member who was the chairman of the committee when the Senate took up the contentious nomination of Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

Periodic Table The prime Elemental Blackness T-Shirt

“Judge Garland, should you be confirmed—and I have every confidence that you will be—you will oversee a Justice Department in an existential moment,” Durbin said. “After four tumultuous years of intrigue, controversy, and brute political forces, the future course of the department is clearly in transition. Under Attorney General Jeff Sessions and his successor, Bill Barr, the Justice Department became an arm of the White House, committed to advancing the interests of President Trump, his family, and his political allies.”

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