Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 6, 2021

Thormask – Baseball Mullet 4th Of July American Flag Merica Fathers Day T-Shirt

 If there’s one thing prestige TV has proven itself to be great at, it’s examining the ways in which we all are “fucked up and flawed,” but that level of filmic introspection is often reserved for cis white men (think of the Sopranos-to-Mad Men pipeline). It’s long past time to tell the stories of characters who don’t fit that description, and who knows what doors a TV version of Detransition, Baby could open for creators all across the gender spectrum?

Baseball Mullet 4th Of July American Flag Merica Fathers Day T-Shirt

There is no new story to tell about an eating disorder. Or, at least, that’s what it sometimes feels like to those of us who have them; one of the hallmarks of eating disorders are their inherent sameness, the way they flatten the world, turning its wild and unpredictable majesty into a formulaic arrangement of calories taken in and burned off. If a story’s value lies in its uniqueness—then how do you tell this one? How do you make a story that’s familiar to approximately 9% percent of Americans stand out?

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