Thứ Ba, 28 tháng 5, 2019


can I request a lock from the mod team? this is meant to be a meme for laughs and karma, not to argue about politics. there are other subs for you to do that if interested. feel free to post this elsewhere if you want political disscussion A tough question,  DAD GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE DADS WITH PRETTY DAUGHTERS SHIRT but do you have any ideas on how we can attack the demand side of this? As in, what can be done to reduce the number of people who pay for forced marriages?So it is extremely hard for man who doesn’t have a good paying job or come from rich parents find a wife. For a man like that, he is very likely to look for a wife from a worst off part of the country for a wife. 
imagine you are a man at the worst part of the country and the only income source is from farming, it is very likely no one would want to marry you. DAD GUNS DON'T KILL PEOPLE DADS WITH PRETTY DAUGHTERS SHIRT  For these man, the only option for them is find a wife from poor countryNo but seriously if he's a MAGA guy he's far more likely to be looking at guns because freedom and range shooting than let's kill all my evil bullies. He's now wearing enough black to be a schools hooter.
SEE MORE T SHIRT : Men's T-Shirt front

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