Yes, a whistle is considered basic survival gear. Almost all modern hiking and backpacking packs have one built into one of the buckles. Chihuahuas if you don’t have one you’ll never understand shirt
Trees absorb sound incredibly well. It's much easier to blow on a whistle and be heard than to shout, especially if you're injured or simply too weak to shout from exhaustion.Usually stories like this turn out that some family member mysteriously died and the disappearance is the lame alibi. I think we are safe with this one this time.She literally wandered into the jungle with out her water or phone, went off trail, thought her "strong gut instinct" would lead her to safety, it fucking didn't.She refused to retrace her steps because her “gut” was telling her to keep going in a different direction to get back to her car.
She was found 30 miles from her car.This is safety fat I have. If i ever incorporate hiking in my life, as long as I have a source of fresh water, keep looking for me. Chihuahuas if you don’t have one you’ll never understand shirt I'll prolly survive 365 days with no food. YAY!

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