I have a BS in chemistry and work in that field. I have been astonished at the amount of people that have no training in science that think they have a better understanding of chemical processes than me.The general population doesn’t care about raw data. I'm no Cactus expert but I know a prick when I see one shirt They want to be told what to believe by their political party of choice.There is healthy skepticism, and then there is idiots. I'm allowed to doubt the validity of whatever I want. Experts can be wrong. They are usually right.
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Climate change and ozone depletion is real. Banning plastic straws might reduce the amount if plastic found in fishes stomachs, but it won't mean shit if global temps raise to a point that kills off most marine life. This is where the world being harder on I'm no Cactus expert but I know a prick when I see one shirt China comes into play. Highest emissions at more than double the US the second highest. Most trash found in the ocean come from China and other Asian countries, but people will argue that per capita the USA dumps more which is and always will be a shit argument.
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